Middle Jurassic ammonitico rosso deposits in the northwestern part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland and their palaeogeographic importance; a case study from Stankowa Skała and „Wapiennik” Quarry in Szaflary
Środkowojurajskie osady ammonitico rosso w północno-zachodniej części pienińskiego pasa skałkowego Polski i ich znaczenie paleogeograficzne na przykładzie Stankowej Skały i kamieniołomu „Wapiennik” w Szaflarach Carbonate deposits of the ammonitico rosso-type developed in the Czorsztyn Succession represent the shallowest northern facies zone of the Pieniny Klippen Basin, formed on the southern slope of a submarine ridge named the Czorsztyn Ridge. The lithology of the Middle Jurassic ammonitico rosso-type deposits in the Czorsztyn Succession of the north-westernmost part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland appears highly diversified and includes: shell coquinas and distinctly laminated limestones consisting of micritic and organodetrital, mostly crinoidal laminae. The microfacies vary from pure micrite to packstones rich in filaments, and packstones- grainstones rich in various bioclasts and peloids. Neptunian dyke infillings are of similar lithological and microfacies types. The history of deposition of the oldest ammonitico rosso-type and associated deposits was different in the north-westernmost part of the Polish section of the Pieniny Klippen Basin, compared to its central and eastern parts. A distinct differentiation of the basin is thus proposed along the Czorsztyn Ridge: from a shallower, north-westernmost part to deeper parts, with the boundary-zone in the present Szaflary area, which is characterised by scarp breccias and neptunian dykes cutting through the basement composed of crinoidal limestones. This indicates that the Czorsztyn Ridge was laterally differentiated into subordinate highs and lows that were formed in a tectonically active environment.Downloads