Neofractures versus inherited fractures in structural analysis: A case study from Quaternary fluvial gravels (Outer Carpathians, Poland)
Neospękania a spękania odziedziczone w analizie strukturalnej: przykład z czwartorzędowych żwirów rzecznych (Polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne) This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of flysch-derived clasts within Quaternary fluvial gravels exposed close to a map-scale overthrust. These clasts are commonly fractured. For a given population of clasts, the number of fractured clasts is positively correlated with the clast size and negatively correlated with the grain size of clast-forming rocks. The fractures comprise both those inherited from earlier joints cutting source strata, and those formed in situ within the gravels (neofractures). These two groups of fractures show different diagnostic features. The inherited fractures are orientated at random in relation to geographic coordinates, whereas the neofractures show a well-organized architecture. The inherited fractures are mostly inclined 80–90° to the a-b planes of the host clasts, whereas the neofractures are usually inclined at 0–80° to these planes. The occurrence of neofractured clasts within the analysed gravels results from tectonic activity post-dating gravel deposition.Downloads