The initiative of the digital platform integrating leading Polish scientific periodicals was launched in 2009 by Professor Gregorz Racki, Director of the Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences. In the first version, it focused on titles from different science areas. However, participation of the project "Polish Scientific Library" in the contest called "Exterius_09" of the Polish Science Foundation ended in failure. Similarly, the participation in the 2010 "Index Plus" competition, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, specially oriented to modernization and internationalization of the Polish scientific journals, did not bring success either.

Finally, as a result of the second edition of the "Index Plus" contest in June 2012, it was possible to get funding for the project "Digital Platform of Polish Geological Journals". The two-year project, amounting to EUR 148 000, officially affiliated with the Polish Geological Institute and headed by Professor Tadeusz Peryt, aims to create a "virtual geological library" (integrated platform with a multi-editorial system) that groups five leading Polish geo-journals, published in an open formula. In the second stage, it is planned to increase the number of titles.

The basic novelty is to unify the editorial procedures, including the process of obtaining and reviewing papers, as well as to significantly widen information on websites towards global standards of electronic scholarly periodicals. This type of upgrading is essential to raising the attractiveness of Polish journals in severe competition on the international science market, and includes the following elements:

  • Full digitalization of editorial procedure, from the submission of manuscript, through the reviewing procedure to the decision of the editor and the revision process.
  • Providing DOI names for published articles.
  • Notifications indicating the release of the next issue.
  • Open access to papers accepted and prepared for publishing.
  • Creating a digital archive, with open access to the articles previously published by scanning of the journal annals in a paper version.

The participants of the project


  • Geological Quarterly

    The policy of the Geological Quarterly is to publish significant contributions of information and geological insight relevant to an international readership. The journal has been issued since 1957 at the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute and, at present, is the leading Earth sciences journal in Poland. All aspects of Earth and related sciences, and universal and broad regional rather than locally oriented topics are covered.

    The journal is intended to be an international forum for the exchange of information and ideas, particularly on important geological topics of Central Europe.

    The Geological Quarterly is abstracted and indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded including the Web of Science, Research Alert, Current Contents/(Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences), American Geological Institute/Bibliography and Index of Geology, Elsevier/GeoAbstracts, GEOBASE, BIOSIS UK/Zoological Records, and Geological Bibliography of Poland.

    IF 2022 = 1.0  37/48 in Category Geology (Rank by Journal Citation Indicator: 38/61)

    Score of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education = 100


    Raising the scientific standard of the journal "Geological Quarterly" – a financial task under the agreement RN/SP/0430/2021/1 funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, designated for the "Development of scientific journals."

    Podnoszenie poziomu naukowego czasopisma „Geological Quarterly” – zadanie finansowe w ramach umowy RN/SP/0430/2021/1 z funduszy Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, przeznaczone na „Rozwój czasopism naukowych”.




  • Volumina Jurassica

    ISSN: 1896-7876, E-ISSN 1731-3708 | Scopus (Cite Score 2022-2.7) | MNiSW: 40

    Volumina Jurassica is a peer-reviewed international geological journal edited by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute and the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, and supported by the International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy (ISJS) of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), devoted to publication of original research papers on all aspects of the Jurassic System including its boundaries with the Triassic and Cretaceous. The editors of the journal are scientists who study the Jurassic System and are from both editorial institutions. The editorial advisory board represents an international assemblage of specialists who are well known experts in different fields of the Jurassic System, including those which closely concern the ISJS – thus ensuring a close relationship between the editorial policy of the journal and the activities of that international organization. The journal is intended to be an international forum for the exchange of information on the Jurassic System all over the World.

    The history of the journal began in 2003 when it was originally established under the name Tomy Jurajskie, changed afterwards (since 2006) into Volumina Jurassica, and edited at that time by the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw. Since 2010 the journal has been edited by both institutions, and has established a close relationship with the Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy of IUGS.

    Volumina Jurassica publishes both original research articles and reviews – special papers presenting a comprehensive analysis of material previously published. As well as these peer reviewed contributions, Volumina Jurassica publishes short notes detailing the progress in the activities of the working groups of ISJS, especially relating to recognition of the GSSP-s of the stages, discussions, book-reviews, reports and other short notes. These appear in the part of the journal called “News and Reviews” – which although indexed in the volume and revised and corrected (if necessary) by editors, are not peer reviewed.

    Volumina Jurassica is published once or twice a year. It is thus a yearly publication, edited in one or two parts per year, depending of the number of manuscripts submitted. The language of the journal is English. The journal provides immediate open access to its content. It is published in a printed version and on-line. The on-line version (since 2011) is original. Volumina Jurassica is abstracted and indexed in: Scopus, BazTech, BIOSIS previews, Index Copernicus, Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts, Biosis Previews and Geological Bibliography of Poland.


    Special issue 2024

    We are pleased to announce the forthcoming 2024 special issue of the Volumina Jurassica journal (edited by J. Grabowski and S. P. Hesselbo), which is devoted to the memory of prof. Grzegorz Pieńkowski, who passed away in April 2023.

    Prof. Grzegorz Pieńkowski was an internationally recognized geologist and an authority in studies of epicontinental Lower Jurassic deposits of central and NW Europe. His wide-ranging scientific interest included sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, palaeoclimatology, ecology of the trace fossils and popularization of geotourism. He participated in several domestic and international projects, including the IGCP project entitled “Marine and non-marine global correlation and major geological events”. The main field of his research, in the last few years, was international cooperation within the Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale (JET) project based on study of Lower Jurassic cores from the United Kingdom. The last but unfinished study of Grzegorz Pieńkowski was devoted to newly-discovered dinosaur foot tracks from Borkowice near Przysucha in central Poland. He published nearly 200 research papers and was, until the last moment, an employee of the Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute.

    We invite all the scientists involved in studies of the Jurassic System (especially the Lower Jurassic) to submit manuscripts of research papers on this subject to the special issue of Volumina Jurassica journal. The authors are requested to follow the instructions provided in the authors guidelines (see: The deadline for submitting manuscripts for the special issue is 15 July 2024. All the manuscript shall be evaluated according to the standard editorial procedure including reviewing by two independent reviewers, and final decision-making by the responsible editor. See the author guidelines for details of the required preparation of manuscripts.


    Geoscience e-Journals







  • Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego

    ISSN: 0867-6143 | ICV: 92.84 | MNiSW: 20

    The first volume of this publication series was published in 1938. 23 volumes had been issued before the 2nd World War followed by a period of suspended publication in 1939–1945. Since 1952, Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego was gradually divided into thematic series such as “Quaternary investigations”, “Micropalaeontological investigations”, “Geological research in the Carpathians”, “Geophysical investigations”, “Hydrogeological investigations in Poland” etc. However, the increasing number of interdisciplinary publications resulted in cancellation of the thematic series and, in 1985 (volume 348), Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego returned to its original form.

    But there was one exception! In 1999 the thematic series Hydrogeology was reactivated.

    Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego publishes scientific contributions on regional geology of Poland and related scientific fields, as well as conference materials from domestic and international conferences.



  • Acta Geologica Polonica

    Acta Geologica Polonica publishes original papers on all aspects of geology. These papers must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, in entirety or in part. The articles should be of moderate length (up to 80 manuscript pages). Longer manuscripts may be accepted but authors should consult the editor before submitting these.

    Starting with 2012 you have free access to full texts of all published articles.

    Acta Geologica Polonica is (beginning with volume 54(1) for 2004) in the following Thomson ISI products: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), including the Web of Science, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences, ISI Alerting Services.

    IF for 2022 = 1.1; 5-Year Impact Factor = 1
    Score of the Ministry of Science and Education = 100



  • Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae

    Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (until 1980 Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego) is a scientific journal of the Polish Geological Society.

    Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae is included in the Science Citation Index Expanded Journal of Citation Reports ®2009

    IF 2023 = 1.244, 5-Year IF = 1.239

    ISI Journal of Citation Reports© Ranking: 25/60 (Geology)

    Score of Polish Ministry of Education and Science (2024): 100



  • Geologia Sudetica

    Geologia Sudetica has been published in Warsaw by the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 1964. From 1998 the journal has become a joint venture between the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geological Sciences of Wrocław University, with its editorial office based in Wrocław.

    The scope of Geologia Sudetica extends over the whole range of geological and geophyscial studies and focuses on the most up-to-date information about the Lower Silesia and neighbouring regions in Czech Republic and Germany, in particular about the complex and itriguing region that is the Sudetes and northeastern Variscides.

    The journal publishes high-quality original research papers in English from all the fields of geological and geophysical sciences. All papers are subject to review. Journal is overed in the Scopus database, BazTech ICM OpenAccess database, and is on the Thomson Reuters Master Journal List.



  • Przegląd Geologiczny

    Przegląd Geologiczny jest miesięcznikiem adresowanym do środowiska geologów i specjalistów z pokrewnych dziedzin nauki. Publikujemy w nim recenzowane artykuły naukowe, w tym przeglądowe i metodyczne, artykuły informacyjne, materiały gospodarcze, ekonomiczne, organizacyjne, prawne i dotyczące działalności administracji geologicznej, a także wspomnienia, recenzje książek oraz relacje z historycznych i współczesnych wydarzeń geologicznych. Wydajemy także specjalne zeszyty tematyczne i związane z ważnymi konferencjami geologicznymi.

    Punktacja Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego – 40


    Podnoszenie poziomu naukowego czasopisma „Przegląd Geologiczny” – zadanie finansowe w ramach umowy RN/SP/0429/2021/1 z funduszy Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, przeznaczone na „Rozwój czasopism naukowych”.

