Hałdy po górnictwie rudnym i fosforytowym w krajobrazie Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Beata Jach
  • Paweł Rutkiewicz


Ore and phosphate mining heaps in the landscape of the Holy Cross Mountains.A b s t r a c t. The aim of this work was to present selected heaps left after late medieval and modern iron and copper ore and phosphate mining, visible in the landscape of the Holy Cross Mountains. The heaps left after underground exploitation of iron and copper ores most often take the form of small piles around a mine shaft (in. Polish warpia). The oldest, medieval heaps are small in size.With the development of technology and the deepening of the shafts, the heaps were heaped up and became larger. Currently, most of the heaps are covered with forest, thanks to which they have retained their original shape. Some of the heaps, that are located in agricultural areas, have been obliterated or destroyed. Some heaps have been remodelled by development of housing, and others dismatled (either completely or partially) to obtain mineral resources. A small number of heaps are located in protected reserve areas. The publication was prepared on the basis of material from the digital Heap Geodatabase (in Polish Geobaza Hałdy) (https://cbdgportal.pgi.gov.pl/haldy/).






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia