Reakcja roślinności na chłodne oscylacje klimatyczne podczas holocenu – wstępne wyniki analizy pyłkowej osadów Jeziora Bocznego (Kraina Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich)


  • Edyta Żuk-Kempa
  • Magdalena Fiłoc
  • Mirosława Kupryjanowicz


Vegetation response to cold climate oscillations during the Holocene – preliminary results of the pollen analysis of the sediments of Lake Boczne (the Great Masurian Lakes District, NE Poland).A b s t r a c t. This article presents the preliminary results of palynological research, the main objectives of which were to study the climate changes impact on the vegetation from end last glaciation to the present day in the Great Masurian Lakes District. In the pollen diagram from the Lake Boczne profile, 12 local pollen assemblage zones (L PAZ) were distinguished. The pollen zones and subzones illustrate successive stages of vegetation development around Lake Boczne. The existence of a sedimentary gap in the analysed profile covering a significant part of the Middle Holocene was documented, which could be associated with a cooling and/or a more humid climate. Moreover, some changes in the pollen record may have reflected changes in vegetation due to cold climate oscillations.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia