Zmiany szaty roślinnej na przełomie interglacjału eemskiego i wczesnego vistulianu na stanowisku Srebrna (Polska Centralna)

Dominika Sieradz, Joanna Rychel


Vegetation change at the turn of the Eemian Interglacial and Early Vistulian at the Srebrna site (central Poland).
A b s t r a c t. The paper describes a new profile of lake-bog sediments at the Srebrna site in central Poland. Palynological analysis of deposits confirmed their Eemian Interglacial to Early Vistulian age. Based on palynological data the authors made a reconstruction of climate and vegetation changes from the middle Eemian Interglacial to the beginning of the Early Vistulian.

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