Potencjał geoturystyczny wybranych obiektów Dłubniańskiego Parku Krajobrazowego i jego otuliny


  • Maciej Dzięgiel


Geotouristic potential of the selected objects situated within the Dłubnia Landscape Park and its protected zone area.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents comparative research on three selected karst rock forms and six rock exposures situated in the Dłubnia Landscape Park and its protected zone area, considered as very essential examples of geotouristic potential. Most of them display their karst forms different from each other. These include three rock-cliffs in the Ostrysznia Gorge and one in the D³ubnia valley in Imbramowice. Two of them host very short caves. The study also covers exposures of Upper Jurassic limestones in the Dłubnia valley in Imbramowice and Iwanowice, Quaternary slope deposits in Glanów, and Pleistocene loess in Damice. All of them are situated in the Silesian-Kraków Monocline. The rock-cliffs with their caves developed in the Upper Jurassic Oxfordian massive limestone. Their karst forms are diverse and picturesque. The other objects selected for research are also very interesting and important examples displaying products of very complex geological processes. The comparative geotouristic potential evaluation of all nine objects was made to meet the expectations and needs of tourists, educators and investors, to increase their geotouristic development level. In general, interest in them as geotouristic abiotic nature objects has been growing regularly up until today. They have become widely known in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland area.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia