Trylobity w eratykach wapieni beyrichiowych znalezionych u podnóża klifu orłowskiego w Gdyni (północna Polska)
Trilobites erratics of beyrichian limestones found in the Orłowo Cliff area in Gdynia (northern Poland).A b s t r a c t. On the beach at the foot of the Orłowo Cliff (northern Poland), numerous erratics that were transported there by ice sheets from Scandinavia and some Baltic regions can be found. Sedimentary rocks, important to palaeontological studies, contain numerous fossils and, among others, arthropods. One of the most common rock types here is beyrichian limestone. Its fossil content allows us to recognize many varieties, such as Calymene limestone, Nucula limestone, Elevatus limestone and others. The present study concentrated mainly on trilobites found in these rocks and belonging to two genera: Calymene and Acaste.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia