Produkt geoturystyczny jako narzędzie geoedukacyjne i metoda promocji dziedzictwa geologicznego Polski
Geotourism product as a geoeducational tool and a method of promoting geological heritage of Poland.A b s t r a c t. Geoproducts are innovative, redesigned or traditional goods and services inspired by geodiversity. They contribute to the promotion of the regional geological heritage, didactic and tourist offer and sustainable development, in particular within the UNESCO geoparks. The aim of the study is to present the concept of a geotourism product, the essence of which is inanimate nature and geotouristic travel motives. Various possibilities of geoeducational use of such goods and services are presented with national examples divided into categories along with their producers. Attention is drawn to the factors determining the success of geotourism products and proposed coordination of activities in the field of their development in Poland.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia