Ocena rozwoju nauk mineralogicznych w Polsce w pierwszych dekadach XXI w.
Evaluation of the development of mineralogical sciences in Poland in the first decades of the 21st century.A b s t r a c t. The Mineralogical Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Mineralogical Society analysed the scientific output and achievements of Polish geochemists, mineralogists, and petrologists (collectively termed mineral scientists) between 2012 and 2021. In Poland, there are 212 researchers who declare themselves as mineral scientists. According to SciVal analyses they published 2530 articles between 2012 and 2021 in 829 topic clusters. Mineralogical investigations in Poland have become increasingly interdisciplinary. Polish mineral scientists have changed their way of doing research from single authorship to ever increasing national and international collaboration involving large research groups. Unlike during the previously evaluated period between 1995 and 2011, Polish mineral scientists have increasingly contributed to solving major problems of mineral and environmental sciences. There has been increasing involvement of young researchers in achievements of Polish mineral scientists.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia