Krążenie płynów w skałach okruchowych: studium przypadku piaskowców krośnieńskich z rejonu Bereżek (Bieszczady Wysokie)


  • Marek L. Solecki
  • Marta M. Waliczek


Fluid circulation in clastic rocks: a case study of the Krosno sandstones from the Bereżki region (The High Bieszczady Mountains).A b s t r a c t. In this study, microscopic analysis was applied to investigate fluid flow in the Oligocene shale and sandstone samples from the Krosno Beds (Silesian Nappe, Outer Carpathians) in the Bereżki outcrop. Analysis of calcite genera-tion in veins and reflectance of organic matter measurements were done. Three generations of calcite were observed, indicating three stages of fluid migration along the veins in sandstones. Moreover, oil droplets and solid bitumen migration were seen during microscopic analyses. Thermal ma-turity based on vitrinite reflectance measurements indicates mature organic matter to hydrocarbon generation.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia