Wstępne rozpoznanie petrograficzne i geochemiczne materii organicznej rozproszonej w skałach karbonu Pomorza Zachodniego


  • Grzegorz J. Nowak
  • Przemysław Karcz
  • Barbara Massalska


Preliminary petrographic and geochemical recognition of organic matter in Carboniferous rocks from Western Pomerania.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents results of organic petrography and Rock-Eval pyrolysis studies of Carboniferous rocks from Western Pomerania (N Poland). Samples for the studies were taken from core of the Dźwirzyno 3 borehole. The thermal maturity level of organic matter is determined by the values of: 1) vitrinite reflectance VRo = 0.82–0.93% and 2) Tmax = 431–460°C, which indicate oil window maturity. Organic petrography studies have shown a presence of different macerals dispersed in the rocks studied. Vitrinite and inertinite are particles of humic origin, while most liptinite macerals are of aquatic provenance. The Rock-Eval data clearly indicate that the organic matter forms levels made up either of kerogen type III or of kerogen type II.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia