Badania geochemiczno-mineralogiczne i geofizyczne (VLF) w poszukiwaniach złóż złota typu żyłowego w dawnym Okręgu Rudnym Klecza-Radomice w Górach Kaczawskich


  • Stanisław Z. Mikulski
  • Szymon Ostrowski


Geochemical, mineralogical and geophysical studies (VLF) in the prospecting for vein-type gold deposits in the former Klecza–Radomice Ore District in the Kaczawskie Mountains.A b s t r a c t. The abandoned Klecza–Radomice gold mining area in the Kaczawskie Mountains is prospective for new occurrences of vein-type gold deposits. Research of sulphide ore samples from old mining wastes confirmed a rich gold abundance in this area. Chemical bulk-rock analyses proved a high content of gold (up to 60 ppm Au) and a common occurrence of microscopic gold (mainly electrum). The application of geophysical VLF surveys showed a number of linear anomalies indicating the possibility of the emergence of new ore veins between the areas of former mining exploitation. This area is very promising for gold prospecting and should be the subject of further geophysical research using the induced polarization method (IP), and verified by shallow prospecting drillings. Execution of this type of comprehensive exploration and research work would open a completely new stage of prospecting for primary gold deposits in the Sudetes.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia