Skały silikoklastyczne triasu i jury niecki łódzko-miechowskiej w aspekcie rozwoju ich przestrzeni porowej


  • Marta Kuberska
  • Aleksandra Kozłowska
  • Krystyna Wołkowicz


Triassic and Jurassic siliciclastic rocks of the Łódź-Miechów Syncline in the aspect of the development of their pore space.A b s t r a c t. Triassic and Jurassic siliciclastic rocks from boreholes drilled in the Łódź and Miechów troughs to the SW of the Mid Polish Anticlinorium have been subjected to petrologic studies. The are represented by claystones, mudstones, sandstones, and less frequently by conglomerates. The studies shows that the filtration and reservoir properties of the Triassic deposits not good due to diagenetic processes (compaction, cementation, replacement, dissolution). Only some Lower Triassic sandstones, occurring among others, as intelayers, display increased values of permeability and porosity (to about 27 vol. %). The best properties are display ed by sandstones from the Brzegi IG 1 borehole, in which macropore intergranular space is present. The Lower Jurassic rocks are characterized by the best properties within the Jurassic complex. They show increased values of mostly secondary porosity, which results from the dissolution of grains and cements. The pore space is developed homogenously. It has a micropore character in the Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia