Minerały wtórne z kopalni Breiner (Maramureș, Rumunia) jako przykład tworzącej się współcześnie mineralizacji wtórnej


  • Anna Januszewska
  • Łukasz Kruszewski
  • Rafał Siuda


Secondary minerals from the Breiner mine (Maramureș Secondary minerals from the Breiner mine (Maramureș, Romania) as an example of recently formed secondary mineralization.A b s t r a c t. The former gold and silver mine of Breiner, is located in the village of Bǎiuț, in the mining area of Bǎiuț-Tibleș (Maramureș, Romania). The local polymetallic occurrences are characterized by a rich sulfide (Cu, Pb, Zn sulfides/sulfosalts) and arsenic mineralization. While the primary mineralization is relatively well known, the diverse paragenesis of secondary mineralization has never been the subject of detailed research. Based on diffraction studies, several species of weathered minerals have been identified, most of which have never been reported in the study area before. The dominant minerals in the mine belong to the melanterite and halotrichite groups. The occurrence of rare phases on a global scale has also been observed – zaherite Al12(SO4)5(OH)26 · 20H2O, tooeleite Fe6(As3+O3)4(SO4)(OH)4 · 4H2O and wattevilleite – a species with uncertain chemistry, possibly Na2Ca(SO4)2 · 4H2O. The formation of these parageneses is related to currently occurring weathering processes of primary ore mineralization that undergoes decomposition under low pH conditions., Romania) as an example of recently formed secondary mineralization.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia