O Stowarzyszeniu Emerytowanych Pracowników Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
On the Association of Retired Employees of the Polish Geological Institute.A b s t r a c t. The Association of Retired Employees of the Polish Geological Institute started its activities at the beginning of 2008. The position of President was held for four terms by Maciej Podemski. The activities of the Association includes organization of social meetings of its members and lectures on various subjects, publication of memoir books, compilation of biographies of well-known geologists of the Institute, and providing assistance to seniors. The cooperation with the management of the Institute has been an important part of its functioning. In 2022, a new board was elected, under the leadership of President Ryszard Strzelecki. For a long time, the ranks of the Association have not been replenished by new retirees of the PGI. It therefore becomes an urgent task to promote the Association’s activities in order to attract younger seniors.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia