Ocena przydatności butelek z PET do przechowywania próbek wód podziemnych przeznaczonych do analizy stężenia trytu


  • Andrzej Wilamowski


Suitability of PET bottles for the storage of groundwater samples in the analysis of tritium concentration.A b s t r a c t. 1.5-litre PET bottles were filled with a sample of groundwater, weighted and then stored in laboratory. Approximately every 11 weeks the bottles were weighted and one of them was taken for analyses. About 2.3% of water was lost from the bottles per year. The summer evaporation accounted for 55% of the winter evaporation value, which is mainly due to the difference in air humidity. The temperature effect was negligibly low. The electrical conductivity (PEW) increased linearly by 3 units (μS/cm) per loss of 1% of water. However, contrary to the electrical conductivity, the concentrations of tritium did not show any sensitivity to the degree of evaporation of the water sample, which justifies the conclusion that this type of bottles is suitable for storage of natural water samples intended for the analysis of tritium for up to 3 years under laboratory conditions.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia