Wieloletnie zmiany ciśnień piezometrycznych wód podziemnych w wyżynnym subregionie środkowej Wisły


  • Jan Prażak


Long-term changes in groundwater piezometric pressures in the upland subregion of the middle Vistula River.A b s t r a c t. This report provides insight into long-term changes in the position of groundwater table in the upland subregion of the middle Vistula River based on the research conducted in seven 1st order hydrogeological stations of the national groundwater monitoring network. These changes reveal a clear temporal relationship/trend noted in the vertical profile of aquifers even in conditions of their significant mutual isolation. They have been described as an effect of the phenomenon, but without establishing its measurable causes. The report indicates that the dynamic of groundwater pressure needs further studies and discussion of hydrogeologists dealing with this topic.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia