Eksploracja głębin Morza Karaibskiego w rejonie wyspy Roatán (Honduras) przez polskich paleontologów – teraźniejszość kluczem do poznania przeszłości


  • Przemysław Gorzelak
  • Mariusz A. Salamon


Deep-sea exploration of the Caribbean Sea in the area of Roatán Island (Honduras) from the point of view of Polish palaeontologists – the present is the key to the past.A b s t r a c t. The island margin of Isla de Roatán is a unique place of outstanding scientific and didactic values, with one of the longestcoral reef and an astonishing fauna inhabiting the deep sea zones. The unique geomorphological conditions enable to perform shore-based submersible operations at great depths. In this paper a short report from our dive down to about 650 m is presented. Our preliminary dive was used to document a diverse faunal assemblage, which allowed for a better understanding of the fossil record






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia