Potencjalnie lecznicze wody radonowe wschodniej części Wysokiego Grzbietu Gór Izerskich (Sudety) o największej zawartości radonu w Polsce


  • Jakub Prusak
  • Tadeusz A. Przylibski


Potentially medicinal radon waters of the eastern part of the High Ridge in the Izera Range (Sudetes), containing the greatest radon concentration in Poland.A b s t r a c t. In the years 2020–2022, the authors conducted research on the activity concentration of 222Rn in the groundwater of the eastern part of the Izera metamorphic unit. As a result, they found potentially medicinal radon waters in hornfelses of the eastern part of the Szklarska Poręba band. The value measured in one of the water samples appeared to be the highest activity concentration of 222Rn in groundwater of Poland so far – 3368 ±61 Bq/dm3. The authors also found that outflows of potentially medicinal radon waters account for almost 85.5% (47 out of 55) of all groundwater outflows in the study area. Thanks to the large amount of data obtained, the authors calculated a new value of the hydrogeochemical background of 222Rn in the groundwater of the Izera metamorphic unit. The background is currently 17–890 Bq/dm3. In Poland, higher values have only been reported of the Lądek-Śnieżnik metamorphic unit. The research results also open the way to the possible creation of a modern radon spa in Szklarska Porêba. It could operate in Biała Dolina on the basis of both previously found resources of radon waters of the Karkonosze granite and the radon waters forming within the eastern part of the Izera metamorphic unit.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia