HISTORIA GEOLOGII I WSPOMNIENIA Geologiczne i paleontologiczne zainteresowania Franciszka Chłapowskiego (1846–1923). W setną rocznicę śmierci
The geological and palaeontological interests of Franciszek Chłapowski (1846–1923). On the 100th anniversary of his death.A b s t r a c t. On the 100th anniversary of the death of Dr Franciszek Chłapowski (1846–1923), a medical doctor, popularizer of geology, and founder of the geological and natural museum in Poznań, his achievements in the field of Earth sciences are recalled. Franciszek Chłapowski devoted his free time and funds to popularize natural sciences, mainly geological sciences. As the chairman of the Faculty of Life Sciences of the Poznań Society for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences, he popularized the Earth science by organizing a natural museum, and intense conference and publishing activities. Franciszek Chłapowski succeeded in medical profession while contributing much to the popularization of geology in Greater Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia