ARTYKUŁY I KOMUNIKATY NAUKOWE Spektrometryczne profilowanie gamma w odsłonięciach geologicznych – metody i przykłady zastosowania


  • Damian Moskalewicz


Handheld gamma-ray spectrometry at geological exposures – methods and applications.A b s t r a c t. Handheld gamma-ray spectrometry (hGRS) is a valuable method for geological studies. It may be applied in correlations between well-logging and outcrop strata, enhance interpretations of sedimentological data, prospect radiogenic ores and geothermal resources, and identify radiogenic hazards for society. This paper aims to review and popularize one of the research methods based on a mobile device (hGRS) equipped with a BGO (bismuth germanium oxide) scintillator. The general concept of the research method is presented in this paper. The method’s perspectives and limits based on reviewed literature. Advantages of hGRS include, e.g., low cost, short data acquisition time, the possibility of studying natural exposures, and a broad set of research applications. The main disadvantages comprise relatively modest resolution of acquired data and their difficult interpretation in complex geological formations. The review is backed by sample measurements performed in various geological exposures at Bornholm Island (Baltic Sea). Measurements comprised igneous rocks exposed in several quarries and sedimentary profiles near Læså Valley and Muleby.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia