Monitoring dynamiki ruchów powierzchni osuwisk w warunkach zmiennego poziomu wód gruntowych z wykorzystaniem reflektorów radarowych


  • Zbigniew Perski
  • Tomasz Wojciechowski


Monitoring the dynamics of landslide surface movements under conditions of variable groundwater level with the use of radar reflectors.A b s t r a c t. Themain objective of the presented analysis was to investigate to what extent even minor changes in the hydrological and hydrogeological environment affect the changes in the dynamics of landslide surface displacement. The research was carried out for selected monitored landslides, which, in addition to the in-depth monitoring devices, were equipped with corner reflectors suitable for satellite radar interferometry measurements. The high temporal resolution of the interferometric data allowed demonstrating the existence of a relationship between the speed of surface movements and slight changes in the depth to the groundwater table. The analyses were performed for five landslides, which also showed a high dependence of these compounds on the geological structure of the landslide and its substrate






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia