Zagrożenia geologiczne w Polsce w 2021 roku


  • Tomasz Wojciechowski
  • Izabela Laskowicz
  • Jarosław Kos
  • Paweł Marciniec
  • Grzegorz Uścinowicz
  • Kamila Karkowska
  • Maria Przyłucka
  • Marcin Wódka


Geohazards in Poland in 2021.A b s t r a c t. Geological hazards caused by landslides, earthquakes, erosion, land surface deformation and collapse in 2021 in Poland were among the average compared to recent years. They did, however, affect material losses. The Polish Geological Survey (PGS) recorded 41 events related to sudden landslide activations, which damaged or destroyed 17 road sections. Through ongoing monitoring of 72 landslides, 33 were shown to be active. In 2021, more than 5,200 landslides were identified and inventoried in Poland. Geodynamic monitoring performed by PGS recorded 611 seismic events in Poland, whose magnitudes reached M4.2. In addition, using satellite radar interferometry, continuation of land surface deformations was found mainly in mining areas. In 2021, there was a number of collapses of various origins. The paper is a brief report on the ongoing tasks of the Polish Geological Survey in the field of geological hazards and presents events that took place in Poland in 2021.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia