Zagrożenia związane z głębokim posadawianiem budowli w obrębie iłów mioceńskich występujących w podłożu Krakowa


  • Jakub Czurczak
  • Robert Kaczmarczyk
  • Marta Czurczak


Threats related to the deep foundation of buildings within the Miocene clays occurring in the area of Kraków.A b s t r a c t. The constant development of large urban centres such as Kraków causes a demand for residential and industrial space, which is difficult to meet. This forces the necessity to implement further construction investments in difficult soil and water conditions. Due to the limitations resulting from the relatively small area possible for development, multi-level underground floors are designed more and more often. The foundation of building structures within a deeper subsoil is sometimes associated with additional risks, which, if not taken into account, may lead to damage to buildings. The purpose of the article is to characterize the risks involved with the placement of objects on Miocene clay layers in terms of their tendency to volumetric changes, swelling and shrinkage. The threats are presented using the example of selected buildings in Kraków, which were founded within the clay and then failed for various reasons. Additionally, the article presents the results of laboratory tests ofMiocene clays from various locations within the city of Kraków.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia