PRAWO I ADMINISTRACJA GEOLOGICZNA Polityka Surowcowa Państwa 2050 – realizacja założeń uchwały Rady Ministrów


  • Piotr S. Dziadzio


State Raw Materials Policy 2050 – implementation of the Council of Ministers’ resolution.A b s t r a c t. Free, unrestricted access to raw materials is fundamental to the proper functioning of any economy. It should be in the interest of every country to ensure access to raw materials that are needed in the present but will also be needed in the future, particularly taking into account economic, social and also political changes that are taking place or are possible, with different dynamics. In order to meet such needs, it is necessary to have a strategy indicating concrete actions whose implementation will achieve the goal of ensuring raw material security, even in the decades to come. State Raw Materials Policy 2050 (PSP2050), adopted on March 1, 2022, is a very important document, not only from the point of view of the country’s raw materials security, but also for ensuring the country’s energy security. The document describes the actions to be taken for raw material security and considers the concrete implementation work already done. Simultaneously with the work on PSP2050, other activities were being prepared and executed, including legislation to enable its effective implementation.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia