Metodyka ustalania listy złóż strategicznych oraz kryteriów ich ochrony planistycznej


  • Sławomir Mazurek
  • Krzysztof Szamałek


Methodology for determining the list of strategic deposits and their protection criteria in spatial planning.A b s t r a c t. Defining a list of strategic deposits is an indispensable activity for preparing the mineral resources policy, a governmental programming and planning document serving to ensure long-term mineral security of the country. Some mineral deposits play a fundamental role in the functioning of the economy and therefore require special protection. Such deposits are referred to under various terms (strategic, key, deficit and critical mineral deposits). Until now, none of these terms has a normative character in Poland. As of 2019, the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute is prepares a list of strategic deposits on behalf of the Chief Geologist of the Country. To accomplish this task, a special methodology was developed (using and modifying previously published studies and proposals and the EU approach to critical minerals). Special attention was paid to the issue of legal protection of deposits in the system of planning protection. Based on multi criteria analysis, deposits of local and regional, national and supranational importance and a list of strategic deposits have been defined. Special plan protection (strategic deposits and those recognized as equivalent for spatial planning) should be extended to 266 deposits out of more than 14 000 documented deposits listed in MIDAS database.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia