Morena szaflarska w świetle nowych danych z odsłonięć i wierceń w 100-lecie jej odkrycia


  • Antoni Wójcik


Szaflary moraine in the light of new data from exposures and drilling on the 100th anniversary of its discovery.A b s t r a c t. In the northern part of the Podhale Region, nearly 100 years ago, Małkowski (1924, 1928) described gravels exposed in a quarry in Szaflary and considered them to be moraine sediments – Szaflar moraine. Romer (1929) confirmed this interpretation of the sediments. Later studies of Halicki (1930), Klimaszewski (1948, 1988), Birkenmajer (1976) and Birkenmajer and Stuchlik (1975) completely excluded the possibility of moraines in this area and showed that these sediments have are of fluvioglacial origin. Comparing the quarry’s ranges due to exploitation, it was found that the authors could observe various deposits exposed during the progress of exploitation towards the west. In the profiles of trenches for new buildings to the NW from the quarry, clays containing sands and gravels and individual boulders and blocks of quartzite and granite with a diameter of 0.8 to 1.2 m were found. The exposed erratics exactly correspond to the description of the moraine by Małkowski (1924, 1928) from the quarry in Szaflary. In addition, in the recently drilled Nowy Targ PIG-2 borehole, similarly developed pieces were found at a depth of 19.7–69.5 m. Combining archival data and new facts from drilling and exposures, a view can be proposed that, during the Southern Polish Glaciations, the Tatra glaciers reached the Nowy Targ Basin and perhaps the foothills of the Gorce Mts, which was already suggested by Rehman (1895), Zapałowicz (1913) and Małkowski (1928).






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia