ARTYKUŁY INFORMACYJNE Krótki przegląd badań współczynnika filtracji gruntów


  • Łukasz Kaczmarek
  • Agnieszka Dąbska
  • Paweł Popielski


Brief overview of soil hydraulic conductivity testing methods.A b s t r a c t. Many research methods enable the determination of the permeability properties of the soil. These methods differ, inter alia, in accuracy, complexity, application ranges, and technical conditions. The choice of a particular method is often dictated by the purpose of determining the hydraulic conductivity. The review of the most popular methods facilitates the optimization of the selection, as well as the application of mutually verifying methods or using them at different stages of the research. The article summarizes selected methods of determining the soil hydraulic conductivity from common research groups, including correlation, laboratory, and field methods, as well as less frequently used geophysical methods.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia