PRAWO I ADMINISTRACJA GEOLOGICZNA Poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie złóż ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego w Polsce – szósta runda przetargowa


  • Krystian Wójcik
  • Jarosław Zacharski
  • Marcin Łojek
  • Sara Wróblewska
  • Hubert Kiersnowski
  • Krzysztof Waśkiewicz
  • Adam Wójcicki
  • Rafał Laskowicz
  • Katarzyna Sobień
  • Tadeusz Peryt
  • Agnieszka Chylińska-Macios
  • Jagoda Sienkiewicz


Prospection and exploration of oil and gas fields in Poland – 6th tender round.A b s t r a c t. On June 30, 2021 the Polish Minister of Climate and Environment announced the boundaries of five areas dedicated for the next, 6th tender round for hydrocarbon concessions in Poland, planned for the second half of 2022. These are: Block 413–414, Block 208, Cybinka–Torzym, Zielona Góra West, and Koło tender areas. The main exploration target of these areas is related to conventional and unconventional accumulations of gas and oil in the Carpathian basement, Carpathian Foredeep and Outer Carpathians (Block 413–414), as well as in the Carboniferous, Permian Rotliegend, Zechstein Limestone, and Main Dolomite (Block 208, Cybinka-Torzym, Zielona Góra West) and in the Mesozoic of the Polish Lowlands (Koło). The other way of granting hydrocarbon concessions in Poland is the open door procedure, in which an entity may apply for concessions for any other area.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia