Zasłużeni dla hydrogeologii w stuleciu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego


  • Józef Chowaniec


The meritorious for hydrogeology in the first century of the Polish Geological Society.A b s t r a c t . During the first century of the Polish Geological Society (PGS), many prominent hydrogeologists have worked, and are still working, who have made a huge contribution to the development of hydrogeology in Poland. The results of their research and scientific activity at universities and various scientific institutes gave the basis for the origin and development of modern hydrogeology. It is impossible to list all hydrogeologists who deservedly contributed to PGS, so only the founding members of the Hydrogeological Section of the PGS and Honorary Members of the PGS are briefly presented. If any meritorious figure for hydrogeology during the first century of the PGS is omitted in such an approach, it is not the author's intention.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia