Sekcja Paleontologiczna Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego


  • Barbara Studencka


Palaeontological Section of the Polish Geological Society.A b s t r a c t. The article presents a brief history of the Palaeontological Section of the Polish Geological Society, a member of the International Palaeontological Association since 1975. The activities of the Palaeontological Section have been focused on organization of scientific conferences. During almost five decades of its existence, the Section organised 24 conferences, two field seminars and two scientific sessions, covering very broad and diverse research subjects. The participants of these meetings were all those who are interested in palaeontology and geology, not only members of the Section. In 1993 the Section was co organiser of the International Conference Global boundary events. Initiated by the Section, the Committee for Documentary Affairs of Geological-Palaeontological Collections was established in 1976. In 1984, the Committee published a preliminary report on zoological and palaeontological collections housed at 21 public institutions in Poland.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia