Dzieje Oddziału Poznańskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego

Janusz Skoczylas


The History of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Geological Society.
A b s t r a c t. The article is devoted to the history and achievements of nearly 50 years of activity of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Geological Society (PGS). During these years, the number of members varied from 32 to 68. Five hundred thirty-four papers were delivered. Over a dozen national and local scientific conferences were organized. The Poznań Branch of PGS was also the organizer of two geological congresses. Another congress is scheduled for 2024 in Poznań. An outstanding achievement of the Poznań Branch is the publication of 21 books, including 15 original yearbooks under the title Abstracts of Papers (vol. 1–13) and Papers (vol. 14–15).

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