Historia Oddziału Górnośląskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego


  • Małgorzata Labus
  • Rafał Sikora
  • Katarzyna Strzemińska


History of the Upper Silesian Branch of the Polish Geological Society.A b s t r a c t. The Upper Silesian Branch of the Polish Geological Society (PGS) was established in 1962 as one of the first regional branches of the PGS. Due to the specificity of the region, geologists working in Upper Silesia were most often concerned with the exploration and exploitation of hard coal in the USCB, but also undertook research on the geology of the USCB margin, polymetallic deposits, hydrocarbons, hydrogeology, and environmental protection in areas of mining activities. These problems were expressed in the topics of PGS annual meetings, field sessions and seminars. During the 60 years of activity, five PGS meetings were organized, the topics of which concerned the latest achievements in geology in the region. Already in the first years of operation of the Upper Silesian Branch of PGS, it was noticed that a special feature of this branch is the considerable dispersion of geologists working in various cities of the voivodeship. However, despite the difficulties resulting from this fact, the Upper Silesian Branch is active and it has been consolidating the scattered community of geologists in the region of Upper Silesia since its establishment.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia