Z kart historii Oddziału Warszawskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego


  • Izabela Ploch


From the history of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Geological Society.A b s t r a c t. Geologists from Warsaw have been active in works of the Polish Geological Society since the very beginning of its existence (the first PGS status was adopted in 1921). Although the Warsaw Branch (WB) of PGS was established only in 1923, organization of the first PGS annual scientific meetings in Kielce in 1921 was entrusted to the Warsaw geologist Jan Czarnocki. Jan Lewiñski was elected the first chairman of the Warsaw Branch of PGS in 1923. In the same year, he organized the third PGS annual scientific meeting. However, it was not until the General Assembly in 1930 that the autonomy of the PGS branches was decided. In the pre-war period, members of the WB PGS organized the sixth PGS annual scientific meeting (ASM) in Katowice and the 12th PGS ASM in Sandomierz in 1925. The ASM in Kielce, scheduled for September 1, 1939, did not take place. After the war, in March 1946, the Warsaw Branch of PGS was reactivated and a year later it organized the 20th PGS ASM in the western part of the Holy Cross Mts. In 1952, the jubilee 25th PGS ASM was organized in Warsaw. Two subsequent conventions concerned the geology of north-eastern Poland: the 45th ASM in 1973 and the 64th ASM in 1993. In 2012, the Warsaw Branch organized the second Polish Geological Congress in Warsaw. The 83rd PGS ASM was held in the Lublin region in 2014, the 84th PGS ASM in the Holy Cross Mts in 2015, and the 86th PGS ASM in Łuków in 2018.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia