Dzieje Oddziału Krakowskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego


  • Anna Waśkowska
  • Rafał Sikora
  • Krzysztof Starzec
  • Andrzej Ślączka


History of the Kraków Branch of the Polish Geological Society.A b s t r a c t. The Kraków Branch of the Polish Geological Society (PGS) was established in 1922 and is the oldest and largest regional branch of the PGS. Initially, it was managed directly by the PGS Main Board, and from 1963, it has its own board. From the beginning, it has been one of the most active centres of the PGS and supported the work of the PGS management board in organizational activities in the country and in foreign cooperation. During World War II, its members gave secret lectures, and in the post-war period, they took part in reactivating the PGS activities and establishing both other branches and most of the specialist sections of PGS. The branch organized about 30% of all annual PGS Scientific Meetings and several dozen other scientific symposia and popular scientific sessions. It was the centre to initiate the organization of Polish Geological Congresses in the 21st century. The Kraków Branch includes representatives of all scientific institutes from Kraków and beyond, dealing with Earth sciences.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia