Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne i Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – sto lat symbiozy


  • Stanisław Wołkowicz


Polish Geological Society and the Polish Geological Institute–ahundredyearsof symbiosis.A b s t r a c t. As early as at the beginning of the 20th century, outstanding Polish geologists associated with the Academy of Arts and Sciences, operating in the Austrian Partition, developed concepts for the development of geology in independent Poland. As soon as independence became a fact, the Polish Geological Institute was established, and a little later – the Polish Geological Society. The specific goals of these institutions were different, but the overriding goal – the development of Polish geology and the geological community – was common. PGI and PGS interacted very closely with each other. PGI employees for many years played an important role in the Society’s structure, including the function of the President. They initiated the establishment of regional branches, and were always scientifically active, presenting a significant percentage of scientific lectures prepared as part of PGS activities. They were the organizers or co-organizers of a significant part of the PGS Congresses, and in most cases of the post-war history, PGI was the publisher of the Congress Guides. The symbiosis of these two important institutions served both themselves and Polish geology as a whole.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia