Komisja Zasobów Kopalin – 70 lat działalności. Stare problemy i nowe wyzwania w gospodarce obiegu zamkniętego i wobec wymagań międzynarodowych


  • Marek Nieć


Commission on Mineral Resources – 70 years of activity. Old problems and new challenges vs. circular economy and international resources reporting standards.A b s t r a c t. Commission on Mineral Resources, active for 70 years, was erected in 1951 as a “governmental body for approval of mineral resources evaluations”. The fields of their interest are: checking geological reports on mineral resources and related to mineral resources management, presentation of legal acts proposals related to mineral resources and opinions on such acts, participation in mineral policy formulation, and promotion of “good practice” in exploration and reporting of mineral resources. The mode and rules of mineral resources reporting developed in 1952 are used up to date with minor corrections. It was formulated prior to the comparable JORC Code and PRMS introduced at the end of the 20th century. Their presentation as a legal act restrained innovative approaches. Since 1991, previous “instructions” have been replaced by general exigencies presented in the ordonnance of the Ministry of Environment on mineral resources reporting and by published guidelines for preparation of related reports. During the period of “central planned economy” the approval of a geological report with presented resources data was the base for a mining investment decision based on evaluation of economically recoverable “balance resources”. After 1990, the delimitation of mineral resources was introduced based on mining experience, followed by reserves evaluation. At the beginning of Commission activity, it was responsible for evaluation of demands for mineral commodities mining development. The Commission has presented also numerous opinions and suggestions on governmental mineral policy, improvement of mineral resources selfguarding and reasonable recovery. The important activity of the Commission is promotion of “good practice” in exploration and resources reporting by organizing yearly “Seminars”. Still existing problems are: more close correlation of geological data and mineral resources reporting with mine planning, management and exploitation exigencies, as well as evaluation of accuracy of mineral exploration results and resources data. The new challenges are mineral resources reporting in the framework of “circular economy” and waste-less production, and final harmonization of the Polish rules of resources reporting with international exigencies.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia