Bariery i ograniczenia w poszukiwaniu złóż w Europie – wyniki ankiety przeprowadzonej w ramach projektu INFACT


  • Justyna Auguścik-Górajek


The barriers to mineral exploration in Europe – results of the INFACTproject survey.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents results regarding limitations (barriers) in mineral deposit prospecting (exploration) in Europe. Five potential barriers have been identified, which require further reflection to find proper solutions: 1) existing land use, including forms of nature conservation, residential, agricultural or areas used for recreational activities; 2) the costs of exploration and mining activities; 3) public perceptions and negative attitudes towards the exploration and mining industry; 4) the sustainability and environment; 5) governance structures and regulatory and processes. Analysis of mining conflicts indicates that improving the image of mining is a priority. The economic security of our country and Europe depends on it. It seems crucial to identify correctly the sources and mechanism of conflicts on the social-political-environmental background. While working out the strategy of housing the image of mining, one should pay attention to benefits for the region and the country from obtaining raw materials, and new values of natural environment elements: landscape and wildlife habitat, showing what the world would look like without raw materials, educating society from the youngest age.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia