ARTYKUŁY I KOMUNIKATY NAUKOWE Uwarunkowania stratygraficzno-środowiskowe występowania nagromadzeń złożowych bursztynu na północnej Lubelszczyźnie


  • Barbara Słodkowska
  • Jacek Robert Kasiński
  • Marcin Żarski


Stratigraphic and environmental conditions of the occurrence of amber- bearing deposits in the northern Lublin region.A b s t r a c t. In the northern Lublin region, the Eocene amber-bearing association has been recognized. It is a group of clastic deposits in which amber crumbs are scattered, and the characteristic feature of the association is the content of glauconite. The sedimentological and lithofacies studies allowed determining the conditions necessary for amber deposition. Accumulation of amber-bearing sediments took place in the Middle and Late Eocene. The Upper Eocene formations in this area occur in isolated patches. Amber accumulations are found in marine sediments associated with regressive facies, usually in depressions of the Cretaceous basement. Understanding the correct distribution of amber in the sediment and determining the dynamics of the Eocene sedimentary basin in the Lublin region have a practical aspect, and are the basis for developing the characteristics of the geological economic conditions for the occurrence of amber-bearing deposits. The recently drilled boreholes confirmed amber resource prospectivity in the Lubartów area and the recognition of new deposits with amber reserves.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia