Praktyczne zasady właściwego rozpoznania i przygotowania podłoża gruntowego pod inwestycje budowlane


  • Szymon Węgliński


Practical principles of suitable subsoil identification and preparation for construction investments.A b s t r a c t. The subsoil is an inseparable part of building structures. It is important to properly recognize and correctly define parameters that are important to the design process. Errors and negligence, which could appear in the period of determining the soil and water conditions and the implementation of earthworks may have costly consequences at the stage of use of the facilities. In order to counteract their occurrence, in this paper a set of practical principles aimed at changing the awareness of construction process stakeholders (investor, designer, contractor) is presented. The examples that present the effect of negligence and errors in the field of geotechnical recognize are given.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia