Koszty występujące w cyklu funkcjonowania obiektu budowlanego wynikające z niewłaściwego rozpoznania podłoża gruntowego


  • Szymon Węgliński


Costs resulting from insufficient ground identification in the life cycle of a building object.A b s t r a c t. The statistics of damage and failures of buildings indicate that one of the causes are geotechnical issues. The lack or a limited scope of subsoil tests does not allow for a proper assessment of soil and water conditions, and then the correct determination of geotechnical parameters. Lack of substantive knowledge and ignorance of the current building regulations (including ground identification) shown by people interested in a construction investment (investor, designer, contractor) may result in damage, failure or catastrophe. Negligence in the proper preparation of the subsoil also results in additional costs at the stage of use of the structure. It is easier and cheaper to ensure the proper subsoil recognition and reduce or eliminate potential irregularities at the design and implementation stage than when the building is in use. The paper presents the current state of regulations related to geotechnical issues and the possible costs that may arise due to the lack of proper geotechnical identification of the subsoil.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia