Efektywność konstrukcji zamiennych warstw ochronnych podtorza


  • Michał Pawłowski
  • Michał Tarnowski


Efficiency of revised constructions of protective layers of the subgrade.A b s t r a c t. Geotechnical examinations of the subgrade are conducted before its rehab, repair or upbringing works. Due to variability of parameters of the subgrade soil over time, and limited scope of such examinations, the geotechnical model of the subgrade, identified based on test results, is inevitably characterised by uncertainty. The actual soil conditions are identified as part of geotechnical checks performed during repair or upbringing building works. Using these test results, subgrade soil parameters are then checked for conformance with their design values. In case any discrepancy is found, or the ensuing inadequacy of the design construction of protective layers in the actual soil conditions, appropriate revised constructions are designed and implemented. This paper describes and compared the five most frequently used types of revised constructions of protective layers of the subgrade, whose parameters are adjusted to the prevailing local soil conditions. For each type of construction, its material requirements were analysed, as well as its required volume of earth works and its execution unit cost were identified. Upon this basis, the discussed protective layer revised constructions’ efficiency and their recommended application conditions were determined, depending on their prevailing actual soil conditions.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia