Wpływ współczesnych ruchów pionowych podłoża na zmiany parametrów geotechnicznych gruntów spoistych, niespoistych i organicznych


  • Leszek Józef Kaszubowski


Influence of contemporary vertical movements of the soil substrate on changes of geotechnical parameters of cohesive, non-cohesive and organic soils.A b s t r a c t. The author presents the results of engineering-geological research carried out along of the Sierpowa St. in the area of Ostrów Grabowski in Szczecin, and along Nowomyśliwska St in Międzyzdroje. The analysis relates to geological drillings and soundings carried out using an SL for non-cohesive soils and the results of tests with the PSO-1 field rotary probe in organic soils. Additionally, the author presents examples of various geophysical investigations to recognize the influence of present-day vertical movements of the soil substrate, which have a significant effect on the instability of many parts of the existing civil engineering infrastructure, and can contribute to serious accidents or even disasters. The phenomenon of modern vertical movements of the soil substrate could have an impact on changing the geotechnical parameters of cohesive, non-cohesive and organic soils, such as the index of density (degree of density), the volume density, angle of internal friction and shear strength in the zones of compacting soils (ZDS). This dangerous phenomenon can have a negative impact on the stability of current or planned roads and highways, and building constructions. An important research element is also to learn about the characteristics of the formation of zones of decompacting soils, including the diversity of their internal structure. In the existing zones of decompacting soils, the values of the geotechnical parameters decrease. It should be noted that the genesis of the formation of modern vertical movements of the soil substrate in the micro scale, analysed by the author is not well understood and requires further detailed research.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia