Wpływ zanieczyszczenia olejem napędowym na uziarnienie i plastyczność mad z rejonu Warszawa-Siekierki


  • Dorota Izdebska-Mucha
  • Jerzy Trzciński
  • Marta Klein


The effect of diesel fuel contamination on the particle size distribution and plasticity of muds from the area of Warsaw-Siekierki.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the results of testing flood facies sediments – muds. The term “muds” refers to a genetic type of deposits, regardless of their variability in particle size composition and organic matter content. Due to the poor geological engineering properties, such as, high lithological variability, low degree of diagenesis, as well as high moisture content and organic matter content, muds are classified as weak soils and river valleys are the areas of complicated ground conditions. The paper presents lithological, physical and chemical properties of muds from the floodplain of the Vistula River valley in the area of Warsaw-Siekierki. A series of mud samples contaminated with diesel fuel in the range of 2–16% were prepared. The microaggregate analyses as well as the plastic and liquid limit tests showed a significant effect of contamination on the soil index properties. The increase in diesel fuel content resulted in the loss of soil plasticity and cohesion. The aggregation of clay particles and the increase in the silt fraction content was observed. The most significant changes of properties were obtained for the mud samples containing 6–16% of diesel fuel. The research of soils contaminated with petroleum products is of great importance in determining the geological engineering conditions of the subsoil for foundation purposes.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia