Problemy i wyzwania w prowadzeniu Otworowej Bazy Danych Geologiczno-Inżynierskich (p-BDGI)


  • Malwina Ludkowiak
  • Izabela Samel
  • Edyta Majer
  • Marta Sokołowska
  • Krzysztof Majer


Problems and challenges in Engineering and Geological Database maintenance.A b s t r a c t. Engineering and Geological Database (BDGI) was created in 2013. This is a unique, continuously developed digital collection of borehole logs (currently over 300,000 boreholes) and laboratory test results from different regions of Poland with a special attention to urban areas. These data are gathered, verified and shared via web browsers according to own, PGI-NRI procedure. The database is used for spatial analyses and preparation of engineering-geological maps for spatial management and design purposes. The article presents the most common problems in collecting and gathering archive data, referring to proper location of boreholes, data interpretation, developed dictionaries and a data input wizard, etc. The article has been prepared as part of a project financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, as a task of the Polish Geological Survey.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia