Warunki hydrogeochemiczne występowania wód siarczkowych w południowej części niecki miechowskiej

Ewelina Bąk, Joanna Bruczyńska, Iwona Lipiec


Hydrogeochemical conditions of sulphide waters in the southern part of the Miechów Basin.
A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the characteristics of sulphide waters in the Busko-Zdrój, Solec-Zdrój and Kazimierza Wielka area. The chemical composition was determined on the basis of results of analyses of groundwater samples from the B-4b Aleksander, B-8b Michał, B-13 Anna, B-16a Wiesława, B-17 Ignacy, Busko C-1, Las Winiarski LW-1, Winiarski Forest LW-2, Cudzynowice GT-1, Solecki Shaft and Solec 2 Karol boreholes and the Gadawa (shaft), Szczerbaków (shaft) and Piestrzec springs. The following hydrochemical facies of sulphide waters were identified: Cl–Na, Cl–SO4–Na and SO4–Ca. Hydrogeochemical modelling allowed determining the saturation state of the water solution relative to the mineral phases of the reservoir rocks.

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