ARTYKUŁY I KOMUNIKATY NAUKOWE Geneza i geologiczne uwarunkowania rozwoju form osuwiskowych w środkowej części Obniżenia Noworudzkiego w Sudetach


  • Aleksander Kowalski


Origin and geological constraints for the development of landslide forms in the central part of the Nowa Ruda Basin, Sudetes.A b s t r a c t. The paper presents the results of field mapping and structural analyses conducted within the landslides situated near Ludwikowice Kłodzkie, in the central part of the Nowa Ruda Basin (Middle Sudetes, SW Poland). The area affected by mass movements is located within the eastern limb of the Intra-Sudetic Synclinorium (Głuszyca Monocline) composed of Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian (Rotliegend) sedimentary rocks. Nine individual landslide forms, ranging in area from 0.5 to 22.7 ha, including two landslide complexes (Sokółka landslides, 49.7 ha in total area) have been identified and described in terms of their origin and geological conditions. Studies of landslide morphology and structural analysis allow recognition of several types of mass movements. They include: (i) rotational landslides (landslides Sokółka 1-3 and 5); (ii) translational slides (landslides Miłków 1–3); (iii) deep-seated, compound landslides (landslide Sokółka 4), and (iv) topple evolving into deep-seated rotational (?) slide (Sławosz landslide). The studies repeatedly confirm the usefulness of analyses of LiDAR digital elevation models coupled with field investigations and structural analyses.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia