Tematyka geotermalna w aktualnej działalności naukowo-badawczej IGSMiE PAN w latach 2019–2021 i plany na przyszłość


  • Wiesław Bujakowski
  • Barbara Tomaszewska
  • Beata Kępińska
  • Leszek Pająk
  • Bogusław Bielec
  • Maciej Miecznik
  • Aleksandra Kasztelewicz


Geothermal topics in the current research activities of MEERI PAS in 2019–2021 and plans for the future.A b s t r a c t. The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (MEERI PAS) is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. The Institute was established in 1986 on the initiative of Prof. Dr Eng. Roman Ney, who was its first Director. Inspired by Professors Roman Ney and Julian Sokołowski, research on the recognition and use of geothermal energy in Poland was launched at the Institute. A measurable achievement of the research team established in 1993 was the launch of the first geothermal installation in the country, under the name of the Experimental Geothermal Plant Bańska – Biały Dunajec, located in the Podhale region. This prototype installation prompted the establishment of PEC Geotermia Podhalańska S.A. and the inspiration for the construction of further geothermal plants in Poland. Through the period of over 30 years, the team of scientists associated with the current Division of Renewable Energy Sources of MEERI PAS has developed several hundred works on geothermal issues. These were, among others, documentations of new and reconstructed geothermal wells, resource documentations, pre-investment expert reports, articles, monographs, atlases and various scientific presentations, as well as information popularizing geothermal topics. In recent years, 42 research tasks of utilitarian nature, 55 articles and scientific reports of national and international scope, and 9 research projects have been carried out in the Division of Renewable Energy Sources.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia