Poszukiwanie i dokumentowanie złóż wód termalnych w Polsce w latach 2010–2020 w aspekcie rozpoznania warunków hydrogeologicznych głębokich systemów wodonośnych


  • Jerzy Sokołowski


Searching for and documenting thermal water deposits in Poland in 2010–2020 in terms of identifying hydrogeological conditions of deep aquifers.A b s t r a c t. Recognition of the hydrogeological conditions of deep aquifers is possible mainly due to research carried out in deep boreholes. Such boreholes have been drilled in Poland since the 1950s. These are mainly exploration wells for hydrocarbon deposits, including research wells. Due to the purpose of these drillings, hydrodynamic and hydrochemical tests of aquifers with thermal waters are rare and carried out to a limited extent. Since 2010, there has been a clear increase in interest in the use of thermal waters in Poland. Due to the hydrogeological and geothermal conditions, the resources of these waters are made available in Poland through deep boreholes. The number of new geothermal wells has doubled in the last decade. Hydrodynamic tests (pumping, and hydrodynamic tests) and hydrochemical tests (analyses of physical and chemical properties of water, tests of the isotopic composition of water) carried out in these boreholes enable detailed characterization of the hydrogeological conditions prevailing in deep aquifers. They allow for the characterization of the pressure conditions in aquifers, the determination of the direction and velocity of groundwater flow, the duration of water in the rock massif, determination of the origin of water and presumed supply areas, as well as the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the waters. Therefore, the use of geothermal resources significantly contributes to the identification of the hydrogeological conditions of deep aquifers.






Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia